Fulton Friendship Lodge No. 102

We Are Men … We Are Masons

“Freemasonry is a beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated with symbols.  It teaches morality, brotherly love and truth.  It requires a serious commitment to learn and understand our ceremonies to enable you to prove yourself a member when travelling the world.”

Being a mason is not about secret rituals, hidden treasurers and handshakes.  It is certainly part of our fraternity life.

At our lodge, we value the brotherhood and friendships that we have developed over the years.  People come from different backgrounds, life stories and political beliefs, but we all have one thing in common – our lodge and the support for each other.

When we meet, we are all meeting on the level, and respect each other.  That is core to masons, and makes our fraternity even stronger.

We are also heavily involved with charity and community work.  We want to have strong links to the community, as we are part of it, and need to contribute.

Although this site will give you some insights to being a mason, we would encourage you to visit us and talk to us.

Who We Are



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