Becoming a Mason

Becoming a Better Man

We are first and foremost a fraternity of like-minded men.  We meet on a regular basis and share our thoughts, laughter and support, seeking to become better men.

Contrary to many beliefs, we are not a secret society, but merely a society of secrets.

We are always looking to welcome more future brothers at our beautiful lodge in Park Ridge (NJ), and open our doors to any man who wishes to know more about our fraternity.

No faithful Mason will ever invite you to join the Fraternity, but may encourage you to seek out more information by visiting our lodge.

If you decide that you want join this great fraternity, then you must ask to be admitted.

Joining Our Fraternity

We would encourage you to visit the lodge on Tuesday evenings, around 6.30-7.00 pm to hang out with us, and for us to get to know each other.  It is important that we meet several times, to allow you to decide if we are the right lodge for you, and also for us to make sure that you will fit in well.  We are pretty confident it will be an enjoyable experience.

Once you have decided that you would like to join our amazing fraternity, you need to tick following;;

  1. Be a man at least 18 years old
  2. Discussed this with your family
  3. Believe in the existence of a Supreme Being
  4. In a stable situation for job, education and/or relationship
  5. Mentally competent and of good moral character

Please note, you are entering Freemasonry of your own free will and accord.

Once you have submitted your petition, you must provide three character references, and a small committee assigned by the lodge will do some background checks.  Assuming this is successful, the Lodge will vote and approve the application, and then share your application with the Grand Lodge of New Jersey.

After these hurdles have been cleared, you will then be eligible to receive the three Degrees of Symbolic Freemasonry.

Where To Find Us

Fulton Friendship Lodge #102
147 Kinderkamack Rd.
Park Ridge, NJ 07656

We would highly encourage you to visit us in person, if possible.  It is always better to talk face-to-face, and get some curiosity settled.

Alternatively, please use below form to contact us, leaving details on how we can reach you.

Contact Us
