
Two great lodges merge in 3rd district

Welcome Members of William F. Burk Lodge No. 230

In the early parts of calendar year 2018, and in the first few months of WM Michael O’Herien reigns, we started to work with the Burk Lodge leadership.

Burk Lodge had expressed desires to merge with Fulton Friendship Lodge, and we wanted to support our excellent brothers.

Over the course of 2 months, dedicated teams from both lodges, worked tirelessly on the details, and submitted the merger request to Grand Lodge of New Jersey.

It was approved in April, and the next phase of the merger started.

We are very please with the merger and look forward to many years of great brotherly support.

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CHiP Program

Every year, the brothers of the 3rd district (New Jersey) organises events around the district to support the Masonic CHIP program.

It is safety ID package that is created, free of charge, and give parents and children alike a chance to contemplate the consequenses of being missing or exploited while they are progressing through the Event.  Take the package home for safe keeping. In the case that, hopefully never , the child goes missing, this pack will aid our amazing law enforcement teams in the recovery.

Keep an eye on your local community board or on this set, to see when we are hosting our next CHiP event.

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